Presidency in the United States

Defining and getting a great president.

Posts Tagged ‘Migrant Caravan

Trump Continues Fight for Americans

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Unlike the previous do-nothing presidents, Trump continues to push Americans’ interests.

He said The United States would withdraw from a landmark Cold War-era treaty that eliminated nuclear missiles from Europe.

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, signed in 1987, required elimination of short-range and intermediate-range nuclear and conventional missiles by both countries.

Russia has not honored the agreement.

Of course not, Russia is a rogue state.

Rogue states can NEVER be trusted.

Score 1 for Trump.


Migrant caravans continue to attempt to invade The United States.

Trump threatens to cut foreign aid to Central American countries for failing to stop such caravans.

Migrants, illegal immigrants, refugees are all foreign invaders attacking Americans.

All nations have a responsibility to repel such terroristic people.

Foreign aid should be cut for any nation not doing so.

In fact, such terroristic invaders should be met with deadly force; just like any other terrorist.

Score another for Trump.



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