Presidency in the United States

Defining and getting a great president.

Posts Tagged ‘Constitution

u-bam-a Plans More Illegal Activities

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u-bam-a is planning to use executive action to by-pass Congress.

He wants to change immigration laws this way.

This post is NOT about immigration laws.

This post is about the proposed illegal and unconstitutional acts of a president.

Laws are made by Congress and ONLY Congress.

The executive branch(of which the president is part) does NOT make laws.

This is clear cut; absolutely no grey area.

If u-bam-s tries to change laws by executive action, he:

—  violates his oath of office

—  breaks the law

—  violates The Constitution

—  provides grounds for impeachment

Over and over again, u-bam-a has shown he thinks he is above the law and The Constitution.

The man should definitely be IMPEACHED.

EVIL should never be tolerated, no matter by who.

The man is definitely EVIL.

He can the rest of this term being vilified.

The only issue is does Congress have the courage to uphold The Constitution.

Probably not.

Politicians and government should do the right thing.

No ifs, ands or buts.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

November 14, 2014 at 12:16 AM

u-bam-a Violates The Constitution, AGAIN!

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u-bam-a proves he is evil and corrupt, again.

He appointed members to the National Labor Relations Board without Senate approval as required by the Constitution.

Now, he is trying to get the Supreme Court to violate the Constitution by approving his right to make the appointments.

Will this evil person ever be punished?

He should be imprisoned for life.

Half of the voters support him no matter what he does.  They are both extremely stupid and also just as evil.

The other half of the voters sit around doing nothing.  They are stupid and as big a part of the problems affecting the United States.

The American people must get corruption out of the government if they want the United States to progress and become a world class nation.

Without the correct action by the American people, the United States will become a third world nation.

First step:  follow our blogs.

Second step:  charge, convict and jail u-bam-a.


The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.